Thursday 15 December 2011

Atlantica Online Tbs Review

The new Troy patch was recently released in Atlantica, and with it came the TBS (Tactical Battle System) mobe that allows the player to play a different type of gameplay that resembles a chess game.

In this gameplay feature the player can move their mercenary's like chess pieces and up to 3 players can join the game for better success rate and more fun. The classes have their different moment like a chess game where the cannon moves slow but has a long range or like a swordsman where he has long movement and close combat.

In my opinion this TBS gameplay mode was a success because, like how Atlantica Online
 has its fighting style like Final Fantasy games and a house like Sims game this new game mode that resembles a chess game is unique and you wont find it in any other online game, and from winning this TBS mode the player will be rewarded boxes that when opened or sold the player can get in-game gold to help him in equipping.

This Video Shows a TBS Skirmish match, where you can see how the movement affects each different class and it revolves around tactical gameplay.

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